
Monday, January 23, 2017

Amanuensis Monday...Adam Kern - Last Will and Testament


The following is a line by line transcription of the Last Will and Testament of Adam Kern.

[page 70]

Will of Adam Kern

Be it remembered that on this day to wit the 8 day
of August in the year 1838 was presented for
record the last will and testament of
Adam Kern late of Monroe County Indiana.
- which will is also proven by the oath
of Dudley C Smith and William Bryant
two of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and
which is in the following words and figures
to wit.
Be it remembered that I Adam Kern of
the County of Monroe and State of Indiana,
being of sound and perfect mind and memory
do on the 14 day of September and in the
year 1834 make and ordain this my
last will and testament in manner and
form following to wit hereby revoking all other
will or wills by me  first my Soul I recomm
=end to God, and body to be Buried in a
christian manner.  it is my will that all my
just debts be paid as soon as possible it is
my will that my Son Coonrod have the tract
of land on which I live.  it is also my will 
at the same time my wife Mary have all the
possession and privilege which is Guaranteed to
her on said land where I now live and every
thing else contained in an article made and
entered into by me and and her on the 20th
day of October 1825, wich article is on record
in the office in this County.  I will that my
daughters Sarah and Anne and Elizabeth have 
fifty cents each in addition to what I have
given them, and I also will that my sons
Adam, Abraham and William have fifty
cents each in addition to what I have given
them and I also will that my daughter Susan
have 50 cts in addition to what I have given
her.  I will that daughter Polley get ten

[page 71]

dollars in addition to which I have given
her.  I will that Mary my wife have all my 
all my house hold furniture and one cow and
heifer her choise all of which she is to possess
her life time.  I will also to my wife my
mare as long as life after which my will is
that she fall to my Son Coonrod the other
property above named to my wife be disposed
of accordingly said named articles it is my
will that all and every particle of property
not otherwise disposed of in this will
be my Son Coonrads and and he pay all my
just debts.  I appoint John Goodnight
and Coonrod Kern to execute this will with full
power.  As witness where of I set my hand
and seal this 14th day of Sept. 1834.
all the words witnessed before as signed

John A Givens    
          his                                }  Adam Kern {seal}                
Wm    x   Bryant  

Feby, the 9th 1836,
I also will that my wife Mary have
fifty Bushels of corn.   I will that she
have four Head of Hogs.  I will that she
have two ewes and two lambs,  I will her
all my beds and bedding, except one bed
and Bedstead and bedding belonging to it, 
Signed and Sealed in presence of us
Dudley C Smith
                                  }   Adam Kern  {seal}
Julian Kern

Note:  I have transcribed the Will keeping the spelling and punctuation as written.

This Will was written in 1834 with a codicil dated 1836; the Will being recorded in 1838. It references a land deed recorded in 1825 between Adam and his second wife Mary. 

Adam left money and/or property to all of his children. At least two, Anna Kern Sears and Elizabeth Kern Younger, were according to records I have located both deceased by 1824. So, why would he leave money to them specifically and not to their surviving family members? It appears that there is more research on Adam Kern and his family in my future.

(Adam Kern 1762-1838 - Khris's Maternal 4X Great Grandfather)

Sources: Indiana, Wills and Probate Records, 1798-1999 (

Amanuensis Monday blog postings focus on transcribing family letters, journals, audiotapes, 
and other historical artifacts. 
An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
 Amanuensis Monday is a genealogical blogging prompt suggested by Thomas MacEntee at GeneaBloggers based on the popular ongoing series created by John Newmark at TransylvanianDutch.

This and all other posts on this blog are © copyright 2016-2017 by Lisa Dillman Wright.

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